Monday, October 14, 2013

Stall Test

These photos must have gotten lost in the slew of photos I had from this week. Here is Peanut's amazingly clean stall! There is little to no poop in his stall this time and I even used the broom to clean all the cobwebs off of the wall, corners and door. While cleaning off all the cobwebs I found out that Peanut HATES brooms. I would walk towards him with the broom and he would bolt to the other side of the stall. I had to be very careful not to corner him and be aware of where he was so that I didn't get hit or kicked.

Why is it so clean you may ask? Well because Friday is Pre-Veterinary and Equestrian visitation day we will most likely be having a stall test. Yeah a stall test! We get graded on our stall cleaning abilities, but we get no heads up. Over the weekend at the English barn the barn manager hinted to one of the workers that there would most likely be a stall test, because we want to school to look clean before visitation days, tours or events.

I cam back from the barn and I had a package! What could it be?!...
It was my carhartt!!!!
Thank you so much mom!!!

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