Friday, October 18, 2013

Best One Yet

Dr. Kerns was standing by his secretary at the clinic when the phone rang and all he heard was "Blood! Blood! Blood! Die! Die!" being yelled and then the person hung up. The secretary put the phone down and went back to what she was doing. Dr. Kerns was bewildered and asked "what are you doing?" The secretary replied "the book work." After a few more exchanges about why the secretary was just sitting there the phone rang again and this time it was a little boy who was about 12 years old. The boy told Dr. Kerns that he needed him to come out, because there was a horse that was bleeding profusely. Dr. Kerns told the boy to put anything in the wound to try and stop the bleeding and he would be on his way. Now the weather was probably -10 degrees Celcius and there was snow everywhere. As Dr. Kerns walked into the barn he saw the little boy with holding the horse with one hand and the other arm on the wound with no jacket, shirt, shoes or socks. The only thing this boy had on was his pants. Dr. Kerns asks the boy "where is your jacket?"
Boy: In the wound
Dr. Kerns: Where's you shirt?
Boy: In the wound. I didn't know what to do.
The boy had taken all of his clothes off and shoved them into the horse's wound.
Then Dr. Kerns asks "where's your mom she called before you screaming?"
Boy: She passed out.
Dr. Kerns: Well, where is she?
Boy: I put her on the manure pile
Dr. Kerns: Why?!
Boy: I thought it was warmer
At this point all of us were laughing so hard. The mom was a head trauma manager at the hospital and had passed out, because she couldn't handle all the blood from her horse.

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