Last night we broke a record when working with the cattle. We started at 6:00pm and finished by 7:15pm. Yes!! We have more time that we can now spend at Dr. Peck's house. Dr. Peck was having her annual pre-vet club bonfire last night with lots of good food.
Some hot apple cider on a dark and chilly night is the best!
In her arena there was a volleyball net set up and a bunch of people trying their best to play.
On our drive back to campus for a quick pit stop before heading to Pastor Matt's house for Pacific Rim.
We get o Pastor Matt's house and there is a humongous crowd of people that are going to be watching the movie.

There was at least 30 of us all crammed into his living room. You had to pick a spot and stay in it, because if you moved just a little bit then you would be on top of somebody else. By the end of the movie we had gotten a domino effect going. Where the first person would lay on the second person's legs and then eventually the second person would lay down and all the way to the couch it would go.
The sea of people
The temperature literally went down 20 degrees as everyone started to leave. Then someone in the room said that every person is like a 40watt light bulb; that's hot! Oh and you should have smelled me last night! I smelled delicious. At 3:30 I went to play some racquetball with Hannah and went right from there to the cattle barn then to Dr. Pecks and ended my night at Pastor Matt's. I smelled like a mix of sweat, cow manure and cow, bonfire and whatever else I had encountered.
As if that wasn't a busy and long enough night, Morgan and I got back to campus at 12:40am and were getting in bed around 1. I was having a hard time getting to sleep and when I was finally almost out there was a loud banging on a door at the other end of the hall with some one yelling. Two drunk guys were on our floor and banging on someone's door and kicking it for nearly half an hour. Finally they left at 2:00, because security comes by at that time and they didn't want to get caught.
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