Monday, November 10, 2014

VCA Veterinary Hospital

Another place that I had shadowed and observed at is The Findlay Animal Hospital (VCA). At the clinic we have had quite an array of patients and issues. We had a stray cat, many barn cats, a pregnancy ultrasound on a great dane, new patients, chest taps, vaccinations and more. The cutest patient had to be a little corgi puppy. 
In between appointments there might be some surgeries going on. One of the surgeries I got to watch was a mass removal on a dog's right hip. The mass that was removed is the big red blob on the table in the photo. it was nearly the size of a football! It was so cool! A few other surgeries that went on that day were a cat spay and declaw, a reconstructive cruciate ligament and a dental cleaning and teeth removal.

Blanchard Valley Veterinary Clinic

Here are photos of the Blanchard Valley Veterinary Clinic; one of the clinic's I am shadowing/observing at. It is very small, but we have a lot of fun and the staff is really nice.

One of the days that I was there one of the staff 's dogs got into the medicine cabinet and ate two bottles of Rimadyl; which is used for arthritis and pain relief in dogs. So, we had to make the dog, Titan, puke up all the rimadyl that he had eaten. We did this by putting a tablet ampomorphine in the corner of his eye by his conjunctival sac. Now imagine the amount of food and how big a Great Dane's stomach is. Well all that was in his stomach ended up on the floor. It smelled terrible and was everywhere!!
After everything was out of his stomach we then had to force feed him activated charcoal. The activated charcoal is a form of decontamination of the gastrointestinal tract for poisoned patients. 

Lab Time

Here are some photos from the research lab that I'm doing my research in. 
This is where we stain the plates that have already been treated and have had time for the treatment to take place. We stain the plates so that the cells are easier to see and count. 

This is one of the microscopes that we use to count the cells in each quadrant of the plates.