Monday, September 2, 2013


Last night I went to a cookout at one of the pastor's house. There was a ton of food there we had burgers, chips, homemade macaroni and cheese, fresh veggies and WATERMELON!! I ate most of the plate, whoops. After eating, talking and meeting new people we all went to different tables to play various games. In one room was Risk, another table was apples to apples and the other was playing Perudo. I decided to play Perudo, because I am sick of apples to apples and have only played risk on the computer. Perudo is a thinking game that can last for a long time, the game is played a lot like the card game BS, but Perudo is with dice. I won both games that we played and had four dice left when everyone else was down to one. I was a natural! It was a ton of fun.
After two games of Perudo we switched gears to Set. Set is so hard to play when you are already tired. I really sucked at this game I got at most 3 points and everyone else had at least 8. You have to find a set by all three cards being all the same or all different. It is so hard! I decided to be the card dealer and did a lot better for some reason.

I also found out that Pastor Matt, the campus ministry leader, is very competitive and a sore looser. Just like me:) Hence the reason I like Perudo and hate set. Apparently there are game nights like this at the pastor's house once every month. I am definitely going to them!

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