Sunday, September 29, 2013

My Weekend

My family, mom, dad, sister and grandparents, came to visit this weekend for parents and homecoming weekend. They came to work with me as we rinsed the calves, brushed them and then blow dried them.

All the little piggies cuddled and piled up together for bed time.

Watching the sun set as I sit on the wall of the manure pit. It was amazing to watch!

Morgan got the college life experience.
I got sick of walking all the way to the other end of the hallway to brush my teeth in the bathroom, so I started brushing my teeth in the room and spitting out the window. It is harder than you think! The window cranks out and doesn't open all the way and then the air conditioner sticks out a few inches, so you have like a 4 inch space to projectile spit your toothpaste and water out. Morgan managed to land half of her toothpaste and spit on the air conditioner.

Went to the hotel on Saturday morning and went to get on the elevator and witnessed this. One of the employees had dropped his keys down a hole in the elevator. So, one person held the door open and another held the ladder steady as he climbed down the ladder and grabbed his keys. The things that happen in Findlay, Ohio!!!
Headed to the tailgate and pre-game party

Got our Oiler Spirit going!! Painted our faces to show our oiler pride.

The black is an oiler rig, because we are the Findlay oilers and a oil rig is our logo.
I had and itch on my cheek and next to my nose, but there was black face paint there. So, I couldn't itch it!!! It was so painful.

Saturday night we went out to dinner at the Olive Garden and I got to have salad and fresh lettuce!

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