Thursday, September 12, 2013

Staying Busy

Yesterday I had two quizzes and was a little stressed, but I think I did well. I had a quiz in Chemistry that was easy and then one in Intro to Animal Science that was a little tricky, because it's not common knowledge. Our quiz was on yield grades and market classes for beef, goat, lamb, poultry and hog. After taking two quizzes and writing in English class I got to go relax with my four legged friends at the barn.
 Meet Jethro

He likes to test my knot tying abilities, by chewing and pulling on the lead rope.

Risky was a little slow and stubborn so I switched horses. I now ride Jethro who is a lot faster and a bit more bouncy and choppy in his stride. During class I would spend more time trying to get Risky moving instead of working on my horsemanship skills, I was getting kind of frustrated. At the end of class I would then feel bad, because he would just get untacked and then tacked right back up for another lesson. Poor guy! He must have been so tired from being ridden for at least 3 hours in a row for 5 days straight.
Here is Moby. When I finish mucking out Peanut's stall after class I take Moby to get a nice brushing and cold shower. Especially these last few days when it has been so hot. I feel kind of bad, because his rider untacks him and then leaves him all sweaty in his stall. I would be miserable in this heat after being covered in sweat and being ridden and no shower to cool off or get clean. So I spoil Moby with a few treats, a good brushing and then a good rinse down.

Got back from the barn and was so exhausted. I went to the Cave and got my favorite food ever, FRESH FRUIT!!!
That hit the spot!

Dinner tonight was a good one! We had s'more quesadillas and lasagna. I never knew or thought of doing that! You just put marshmallow, probably fluff, and chocolate on a tortilla and then top it off with a little confectioner sugar.

Not only did we have s'more quesadillas but strawberry rhubarb pie! I think I prefer the wildberry pie and cherry pie, they have a little more flavor and tartness.

As if I hadn't already had enough to eat I went to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting and we went to Dietsch's for some ice cream. Not only do they have ice cream, but tons and tons of chocolate!

To burn off all the sweets I headed to ultimate Frisbee.

Woke up this morning to this....

We just get the other light fixed and then the other light decides to go out!! Are we going to be able to escape the darkness?!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you started this blog with some info about classes and test and such. Otherwise I would think you are all about the fun, food and games!Keep up the good work!
    Some good advise: Don't let college interfere with your education.

    Jethro looks like he has some personality! Like how he posed for the camera and was showing off his tricks.

    I think the strawberries would have been a nice addition to the s'more quesadilla. Glad to know that you had more than sweets for dinner. I see there is no lasagna picture to accompany the blog.

    How does Dietsch compare to Brusters? I won't let the Posners know that you have switched ;)

    It is all in the timing! Aren't you glad they fixed the one light - otherwise it really would be total darkness!

    New catch phrase: "Don't lick the thermometer!" Right up there with "There is a hole in my eye!"
