Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wednesday Evening

Finished off the day by going to the FCA and then to Ultimate Frisbee!
On my team at ultimate Frisbee was the president of the Men's Lacrosse club. I couldn't believe it! He was saying that they might have eight players and they need eleven on the field at once. So he was asking us to recruit people to play if we knew anyone. If you know me I kept my mouth shut, but inside I was screaming,"You know you want to play, ask him!" And I kept my mouth shut. But they need players, so I'm looking into possibly joining the club if I can. It's a long shot, but it's got to be worth it. So Barrett boys and Spiteri boys I will be needing some instructing on how to play men's lacrosse and what size and kind of equipment if I can get into the club. Ended the night by got o Derrick's Hangout for fruit smoothies and some raspberry sorbet with the gang.
Played some connect four with Tyler. When we first sat down we couldn't figure out how to get the pieces out so we were messing with the bottom and then all of a sudden they all come falling out all onto the floor, making a loud noise and everyone turns and looks at us and starts laughing. We played and I won and then we tried to get them out and yet again they all go flowing onto the floor causing everyone to turn around again. Eventually, we put a Frisbee underneath the connect four game to collect all the pieces so there would be no more pieces on the ground.


Just got out of the shower and am enjoying being clean for once! I literally am only clean for at most 6 hours. I'm either covered in sweat from working out or working at the farm, covered in horse sweat and manure. I'm out and going to bed now for another day of playing with animals. Tomorrow is my animal handling class again and I can't wait!

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