Sunday, September 29, 2013

Dairy Queen

 Went to Dairy Queen for the first time ever and got a Strawberry CheeseQuake Blizzard. There are a ton of commercials for Dairy Queen's blizzards on TV here. We, Morgan and I, took a girl out for her birthday to the Dairy Queen to get blizzards. She drove and we treated her to ice cream; not a bad deal.
Even though they say and show that you can flip the blizzards upside down, don't try it.

Came back from the Dairy Queen and found everyone from our floor crowded around the bathroom door. They were telling us to look in there at the sink. I was scared, because I was scared that there was something extremely gross in the sink and then I would refuse to use the sinks again. But then Kelly, the girl who drove us, asked "what's in it?" Then another girl said "there is no sink." She wasn't kidding.

Apparently, one girl went to go sit on the sink and the sink fell out from under here. Why you would sit in/on the sink, I have no clue. I don't even touch them, except for the faucets.

My Weekend

My family, mom, dad, sister and grandparents, came to visit this weekend for parents and homecoming weekend. They came to work with me as we rinsed the calves, brushed them and then blow dried them.

All the little piggies cuddled and piled up together for bed time.

Watching the sun set as I sit on the wall of the manure pit. It was amazing to watch!

Morgan got the college life experience.
I got sick of walking all the way to the other end of the hallway to brush my teeth in the bathroom, so I started brushing my teeth in the room and spitting out the window. It is harder than you think! The window cranks out and doesn't open all the way and then the air conditioner sticks out a few inches, so you have like a 4 inch space to projectile spit your toothpaste and water out. Morgan managed to land half of her toothpaste and spit on the air conditioner.

Went to the hotel on Saturday morning and went to get on the elevator and witnessed this. One of the employees had dropped his keys down a hole in the elevator. So, one person held the door open and another held the ladder steady as he climbed down the ladder and grabbed his keys. The things that happen in Findlay, Ohio!!!
Headed to the tailgate and pre-game party

Got our Oiler Spirit going!! Painted our faces to show our oiler pride.

The black is an oiler rig, because we are the Findlay oilers and a oil rig is our logo.
I had and itch on my cheek and next to my nose, but there was black face paint there. So, I couldn't itch it!!! It was so painful.

Saturday night we went out to dinner at the Olive Garden and I got to have salad and fresh lettuce!

Friday, September 27, 2013


All of you have probably seen the movie Secretariat that is based on the true story of Secretariat winning the Triple Crown and breaking records. Today in Equine Animal Handling lecture Dr. Kerns was telling us about how Secretariat could run so fast. After Secretariat died in 1989 veterinarians did an autopsy on him and found that his heart was 2 times larger than a normal horse's. Unfortunately, Secretariat was not able to pass that onto his offspring.
When it came time to bury Secretariat, he was fortunate enough to stay all together. Most racehorses are cut up and the only pieces that are buried are the hooves for speed, the heart for stamina and the head for courage. Only the greatest racehorses are buried whole. Secretariat's casket was mad of oak and brass and cost at least $38,000. Wow! Talk about expensive! To get an idea of how big a casket for a horse is, here is one of Man O' War.

Breeds in Equine Handling

In Equine Handling lecture today we were learning about the different breeds of horses.

The Shetland pony is a very popular pony that young children get and their parents let them take full responsibility for it. Bad idea! A kid is not able to make sure that the horse is getting all the nutrition it needs and will usually keep feeding the horse as long as it keeps eating. This will cause you to have one fat pony. Dr. Kerns was telling us that Shetland ponies are usually obese because of the fact that kids are left to care for these little guys. The best part was when Dr. Kerns said that soon the parents will have athletic children that know how to do splits, because the pony is so fat.

Adventures With Dr. Whitaker and Dairy Products

The other day in class we were learning about milk and milk production. Dr. Whitaker had some very funny and interesting stories to tell.
Did you know that you can turn your lactase gene on and off? Apparently, you can. When your lactase gene is turned on then you can eat dairy products without any problems where as people who are lactose intolerant have their lactase gene turned off. So, to turn off your lactase gene you just don't eat dairy products for a really long time and then when you eat dairy again, you will have the side effects of a lactose intolerant person.
To test this theory Dr. Whitaker went 2 months with out eating any dairy products when he was in college. After the 2 months were up he went on a ice cream binge. It did not turn out well! So moral of the story... you can turn on and off your lactase gene, but don't try it.
Fermented Dairy Products
There are 2 types of fermented dairy products; cultured and acidified. Cultured is when we add bacteria and ferment. Causing lactose to become lactic acid. Lactic acid is also what makes you sore after working out. Dr. Whitaker makes the statement then "if you are sore after working our then man you would taste good!" Lactic acid causes the food to become more sweet and sugary.
Then we went on to learn about cream and butter. Butter is made by churning cream so that only the fat particles are left. The left over liquid is what used to be called buttermilk, but today we make buttermilk differently. Anyways, so Dr. Whitaker and one of his friends decided that they were going to try and make butter, but without a butter churn. Instead, they poured 10 gallons of cream into a residence hall dryer in the laundry room. This did not end well either. The dryer spun way to fast for the fat particles to separate.


The dining hall is hopping as the campus gets ready for homecoming weekend. In the dining hall last night there was a golf cart with the ketchup and mustard dispensers in the back. There were foot long hot dogs, potato skins, chicken fries and lets not forget the ice cream bar. I ended up having a bowl of cereal, one potato skin and ice cream. As my mom said "it's the breakfast of champions."
Got to hang out with these amazing people as I ate my somewhat appealing food!
Left to right: Ryan, Abbey, Hannah, Beth, Alana and Cait

Getting ready for the football game and school spirit

Butterscotch pudding with whip cream

Cookie dough ice cream with hot fudge


Yesterday in Equine Handling class Dr. Kerns brought in his enteroliths that he promised he would show us."Entero" is Latin for intestines and "lith" is Latin for stone. Enteroliths are intestinal stones that form in a horses' intestinal track. Bailing twine, paper clip, nail or anything out of the ordinary can cause enteroliths to form. I think I mentioned enteroliths in a previous post so I will try not to repeat myself.
Dr. Kerns with the 9.75 pound entrolith that formed over at least 2 years. This is the one from the horse that coliced at every horse show. It took 3 veterinarians to get the enterolith out of the horse's intestinal track for a 5 hour procedure.

The hole in the middle was originally filled with twine, there was a little bit left in it. Apparently, the boy scouts pulled the twine out when they were told not to:(

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

First Test

First test of the semester and I can't complain! Today we had our first riding test. I had to wash Jethro yesterday and groom him really well for today and he was kind enough to stay clean for me. I got an 89% on my riding. I did really well with my reining technique and at the walk and trot. I have to work on my leg placement at the lope.

Dairy Product Sampling

Feeling amazing this morning with 11 hours of sleep and having sample day in class! However, this runny nose and headache don't help the cause.
This morning in Intro to Animal Science we had just finished taking notes on various dairy products and their production that we got to have a dairy sampling and tasting. We were also given a sheet for us to determine what each dairy product was. Our group got a 100! We know our dairy products really well:)

My reaction after tasting the evaporated milk. YUCK! The buttermilk was kind of the same, it smelled like plain yogurt and tasted like sour cream.

Buttermilk, condensed milk, evaporated milk and cream. My favorite was condensed milk probably because it was so sweet and sugary.

We were then given small cubes of various cheeses and we had to name them and then write what category of cheese they were; soft, semi-soft, hard, very hard. My group got all the cheese's right too.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Thermometer Trouble

Yesterday when I was taking Jethro's temperature, he decided he didn't want it taken. So instead of being a nice and patient boy he decided to spin around as I was trying to keep the thermometer in his butt. I couldn't let go of the thermometer, because then he might suck it up. I was being "dragged" by a thermometer that was stuck in Jethro's butt. I thought, if Dr. Kerns, my animal handling teacher, were here then I would probably fail his course as I was doing everything wrong except for losing the thermometer.
Tomorrow is my first test!!! This is no ordinary test, because I have a riding test. Prayers would be greatly appreciated as I prepare to take and take this test.

Morning at the Farm

Got to see all the piglets in the nursery this morning. One pen was constantly fighting and wrestling with each other.

Got to the barn before the sun and it was cold.

Headed outside to give the calves their first bath

Blowing them dry

The dirtiest calf of them all! It was so hard getting the poop off of him. Almost all the poop that came off of the calves went right onto us. I have been smelling like cow poop all day! For this cow's tail I had to hold it and brush the manure out and as we sprayed it the manure melted and I was holding all the poop in my hand. Even better, I had to start pulling the manure clumps out by had, because they were stuck in the tail hair so bad.

The hand soap at the school is terrible. The soap may kill germs, but it does not get rid of the smell. So every time I put my hands near my nose I get a big whiff of cow manure.
Loved petting and looking into the dairy calve huts.
It's a chocolate milk cow!!