Saturday, August 17, 2013

Service Project

Today was our service project day, where we got divided into two groups, AM and PM, and then into smaller groups of about 8 people. We got on buses and were bussed to different locations throughout Findlay to paint, fix up, weed, landscape, clean up and more.

My group was sent to the Church of the Living God, down the street from campus, and we weeded, weeded and did some more weeding. I HATE weeds! I'm pretty sure that they just save the weeding for the freshmen service project every year. Although we did have to move a couch down three levels of stairs and then to the back of the parking lot onto a trailer. Once we got outside in the front lawn, where the thing is completely fenced and locked, we were planning on tossing the couch over the fence, climbing the fence and then carrying the couch to the trailer. However, the guy who was in charge of the church, suggested using his truck. He brought his truck over, but it was filled with crap and the couch was a little too big. So this is what we resorted to...
We went through not only the parking lot, but also on the street and along the side walk on the main road. We must have been a site to see. At some points he would go a little too fast and we would be running behind the truck, but the whole way to the trailer we were laughing so hard at ourselves.

This is Ryan, another freshman, who was doing trimming work along the walkways.


  1. Sounds almost like being on Project 585. Aren't you glad you had such good training in weeding! :)

  2. Yeah I guess, but after doing it for 3 hours it was kind of boring. We had to weed under the chain link fence where it would have been easier to just weed whack it to the ground. Of course he brought out the weed whacker and weed killer near the end and we didn't end up using either.
