I know some of you were wondering what I may want if you sent a care package well here is a tentative list of things I wish I had or would use.
1. Post-it notes: the skinny page marker ones and just regular post its would be nice

2. Snacks of any sort are appreciated; healthy and just taste good ones too
I love Trader Joe's Dried Mango- unsulfured and un-sugared
Granola bars
Quaker Oatmeal- flavored packs
Quaker Oatmeal- flavored packs
Please keep in mind that I am allergic to treenuts (walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts) so please avoid sending foods that contain these ingredients, thank you.
Don't send a ton of food, because there is very little space to keep all the food you may be sending me so please limit to one box of whatever.
3. Mint flavored life savers
4. Letters from you
5. photos of you possibly so I can put them up on my desk
Thank you so much and hope you all are doing well. Are you enjoying the blog?
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