Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Disease of the Day WARNING: not for weak stomachs

This video is absolutely disgusting and so sad for the dog. Morgan found it a good idea to watch several of these videos last night, I was good after one. It's cool, but gross at the exact same time.

Mango Worms are present and most common in East and Central Africa. The larvae crawl over the soil until they come in contact with a host, human or a mammal.They then penetrate the skin and lie in the subcutaneous tissue (under the skin). Once the larvae have reached full growth they leave the host and fall to the ground. The mango fly is most common cause of myiasis; the parasitic infestation of the body of a live mammal by fly larvae that grow inside the host while feeding on its tissue. Humans are not at as high of risk, but are commonly infected by the fly laying its eggs on wet clothes, left out to dry. So to prevent infestation when in Africa, don't hang your clothes to dry, but if you do iron all clothes, including underwear, which then kills the eggs/larvae.


  1. Well, that was truly disgusting! Hope you didn't have rice for dinner. What does that do to the dog? I assume they are malnourished and are very susceptible to infection. How well does their skin heal? Do they have scars? Once you get the larvae out, do more continue to hatch? Yeah good luck with that. How many showers did you take after watching that?

  2. It will cause some pain to the dog and is most common in strays in Africa, because they are not being treated with medicine and come in the most contact with the soil where the worms are most likely present. The skin heals with scars over the holes where the worms exit. More can hatch, it depends on what part of the life cycle they are on. You can put antibiotic cream on the holes so that the worms are suffocated and come to the surface.

  3. I didn't take a single shower! The past 32 hours I smelled disgusting, because I had not taken a shower.
