Sunny and 30 was the weather here in Ohio on Tuesday. Everyone was whipping out the shorts and t-shirts as it felt like spring. It was Bennett's turn to drive so we headed to the parking lot and we always enjoy sitting on the tailgate of his truck. This time there was no snow in the bed of the truck so I climbed on up to and sat on the cab. Too bad the only view I got from being up that high was of cars.
Saw a little baby calf enjoying the warm weather.
Today in Animal Handling class we are doing surgeries. We were assigned a goat kid and will be putting them under with xylazine as we dehorn and castrate them. My group is by far the best group EVER! With Bennett, Emily, Sarah and I
Bennett tattooing the ear of the kid
Our finished product, now all we have to do is wait for him to wake up.
As Ashley and I were trying to do Calc 2 homework Tuesday night, her boyfriend, Will, Sarah, Ashley and I all went to Dietsch's for some ice cream. I had the most amazing flavor ever! Chocolate pretzel caramel swirl; chocolate covered pretzel pieces with caramel swirls in vanilla ice cream. AMAZING!
I am noticing a theme here: ice cream! Do you think it is genetic?