Sunday, March 29, 2015

Easter Morning in the Village

Happy Easter! It's Easter morning here in the village blue pod and the Easter bunny has made a visit! Come to the pillar closest to my room and find your name and design/symbol that goes with your name. There are 5 eggs with your design hidden amongst the blue pod and various daily locations (showers, laundry room). Everyone should have 5 designed egg and one blank. If you find someone else's please leave them be so they can get in on the fun too! I hope you all enjoy and happy hunting:)

When you have received all the goodies in your eggs could you be so kind to return the plastic eggs to the box next to my door? Please and thank you!

I got a lot of compliments and thank you'd from my girls for putting together the Easter egg hunt. It was fun but hard to find places to hide the eggs since there's not much in the lobbies. The damper on things was that I had to get up at 3:30 that morning to hide them because as college students we stay up to unthinkable hours. After hiding them I got up at 6 to get ready for some. Are duty. 
At barn duty we got to play with a cow reproductive tract and practice artificially inseminating the cow. This particular cow was pregnant and I really wanted to cut open the uterin horn to see the developing fetus, but Brian said no since he needed it for barn duty that evening too:/ I was bummed, but better luck next time:)

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Drag Show

Before the next round of studying and testing we are off to the drag show on campus! At a drag show males dress up as females and females dress up as males. It was a ton of fun with everyone there and some amazing music and fun! 
Here's Deja 
Yes this is a female...

Had a blast and then went to hit the books for ochem next week along neigh debate and repro.

National Puppy Day

Because it's #nationalpuppyday! To my boy full of spunk, trouble and sweetness and sometimes pure stupidness, but he makes life an adventure! From the cute little puppy who thought he was a lap dog to a handsome boy that has found his love for water and touches our hearts daily. Love you boy!
It's hard to believe how big Scout has gotten over the years, but he's a champ and goes through a lot of trauma with more to come as my guinea pig for practicing and trying out new things I learn at school. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I thought it was spring?!

Preston and Julie studying reactions for their ochem exam this week. 
Was studying in the village and went to get ready for barn duty and looked outside to this miserable weather:/ what happened to spring?!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Makes so much sense

This makes so much sense now!!
Had a lot of fun at upper Sandusky on Saturday as I helped out at the front desk and checked patients in and out because there was only one doc being boarded. We had cats, puppies, old dogs, cute ones and ugly ones. One of my all time favorites was this timber wolf cross. Soo gorgeous and cute!! We had a feral cat that had the worst ears I have ever seen due to so many ear mites. We had a dog that couldn't sit or wage its tail anymore and we found out that the tail had been disconnected from most likely a car accident. Our last patient of the day was a pitbull mix that was extremely emaciated; it looked like a dog from an ASPCA commercial where you can see all his ribs and vertebraes. The dog had been sick for a while and had to be euthanized. When we took its temperature when e had just gotten into the room his temperature wouldn't even register on the thermometer which already went rather low to 96 degrees.

Got to play with this cutie in the back run. 
Duty three of three finally with the all time best security guard!!
The two of them would come 10minutes before each round to just talk and hang out with us. They are pretty special and cool and make staying up to 3 bearable. 
When you get snapchats like this you know Julie is in your room. 


I think it's official that Morgan Cerny has gotten me hooked on this show. Why Morgan? Why did you have to show this to me?!
Welcome to the show of the Incredible Dr. Pol! It is sooo good and interesting! What was really cool is that when Morgan and I were watching it we could diagnose  or come up with some diagnoses and how to treat them based on some of our classes we've taken. 
Here's a dog with a mouth full of porcupine quills
No better place to watch it than on duty! One night down and two more to go!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Not A Good Day

Didn't do as well as I had thought and hoped on my bio exam and talked to the professor which just made me more frustrated but I think it will work out and be okay. On the other hand look what we're doing!!
Oh yeah we're playing bubble soccer! Look it up on YouTube and you will wish you could play too!
While turning in our roster and working out someone thought it a brilliant idea to steal my phone!! After going to security and an hour and a half later found this gerk using my phone right in front of me!πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘Ώ glad I found my phone but not too happy he delayed my studying until 10pm and actually rook it. 
Finally started studying for our repro quiz on follicular genesis and the female. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Barn Life

I can't seem to shake the pigs; somehow I am always working with them. This time I got to clean up after the pregnant sows and then into the nursery to clean up after these messy piglets. 
It's feeding time and they think that all of them can fit at the 4-5 pig head trough. In the farm crate they are all trying to stick their mouths outside of the crate to get some food when just behind them is a whole trough, but they haven't quite realized it yet. 

To end th night we moved the dairy calves out of their hutches and then to their first pen. It was quite a show to watch them all find their new freedom and use their legs for the first time to walk to the pen and run around and test out their legs.
To top it all off there was a beautiful sunset. We loved looking around the barn and seeing the different colored parts of the sky. At one end it was a dark purple and then on the other side of the barn it's blue and at the complete other end of the barn it's an orange color. 


After a long weekend so far I took some time for myself and went for a long run, maybe too long of a run, also maybe as a reason to keep putting off my studying. Anyways was running and was cut a little short as the water is still really high on the other side of the river. 

For dinner I was invited to get together with the Japanese stidents here at findlay from Rakuno Gakuen and the students going this summer from Findlay along with my crew. We made our own American style of japanese food that tasted amazing and was super filling with just a small portion. 
And after so much fun and relaxation it was time to hit the books yet again as I studied biology for our exam on Monday. 

New Place; New Experiences

Had my first day of shadowing at the animal clinic of Upper Sandusky last Saturday. I got to help clean out cat and dog cages and give a few dogs a bath. My favorite was Cookie. Cookie is an Australian shepherd mix and needed a bath, he hated to walk on the leash to the back of the clinic so I had to carry him and then lift him up into the bath tub. Little did we know that he was petrified of water. So as you can guess that didn't last too long as we had to carry him back to the grooming room and each him with waterless shampoo. He was absolutely gorgeous though!
Later that evening, on my way back on the back roads from Walmart, we had a little dilema. After all the rain we had gotten the last few days the river had flooded over the road. We thought we could just drive through it, but were mistaken as we looked further ahead and there was a duck floating across the road and a crane standing right by. Guess we have to go a different way..

Backstage Pass

Last Friday I volunteered with student government association and helped put on the spring concert featuring parachute and Ben rector. Set up started at 8:00am and tear down ended at 1:30am. 

The lights and curtain hanging in the back was Nick and I's handy work. We are now certified electricians and putting together the lighting.
Ready for the show and waiting for the doors to open.
And here it goes!

After the performance I helped tear down and Nick and I again were picked to do the lighting tear down as we did such a great job putting the stuff up. It was a lot of fun and hard work as our hands got nicely covered in grease and dirt. 

The Freeze Has Lifted

Last week the weather was amazing! We were above freezing and in the 40s. When the weather gets that warm it means it's running season! Julie and I hit the roads and went for a 3 mile run to the park and stopped by the river. 
After a nice run I had barn duty and was made the pig entertainer. I stood at the back of the pen and let the pigs chew on my boots and shovel as someone else cleaned the front of the pen. I could just walk around in circles and keep them entertained that way as I took them for a walk around their pen.

On our way

Got to ride back to school with Julie and had a great time! We stopped in painesville for gas and took sometime for an adventure in search for the painesville falls. Unfortunately we couldn't find the falls, but had some fun playing on the playground and in the snow. We had to hike a little ways to get to the playground and over the bridge through 3 feet of snow. We won't be seeing much of that in Ohio later so we enjoyed it.
Starbucks rest stop on the other side of Cleveland....what are you wearing Julie?!

Road trip!

Another photo from doing dentals over break
Took a little road trip the last day of break to go see Kai at Alfred State. The campus is amazing! With beautiful scenery and places inside the buildings I could like it there. Directly down the street and across the way is a state park with some amazing trails to go hiking , skiing and running on. Also, just across the road is Alfred University. 
For their meal plan they get to go "grocery shopping" in the dinning hall as they provide cake mixes, cookig essentials, milk and more that can be used with the school's meal plan. Also on campus are chipotle, subway, friendlys, Pizza Hut and more that all are included in your meal plan.

Got to enjoy some cross country skiing with kai in the state park trails. It was a workout and a lot of fun.