Happy Easter! It's Easter morning here in the village blue pod and the Easter bunny has made a visit! Come to the pillar closest to my room and find your name and design/symbol that goes with your name. There are 5 eggs with your design hidden amongst the blue pod and various daily locations (showers, laundry room). Everyone should have 5 designed egg and one blank. If you find someone else's please leave them be so they can get in on the fun too! I hope you all enjoy and happy hunting:)
When you have received all the goodies in your eggs could you be so kind to return the plastic eggs to the box next to my door? Please and thank you!
I got a lot of compliments and thank you'd from my girls for putting together the Easter egg hunt. It was fun but hard to find places to hide the eggs since there's not much in the lobbies. The damper on things was that I had to get up at 3:30 that morning to hide them because as college students we stay up to unthinkable hours. After hiding them I got up at 6 to get ready for some. Are duty.
At barn duty we got to play with a cow reproductive tract and practice artificially inseminating the cow. This particular cow was pregnant and I really wanted to cut open the uterin horn to see the developing fetus, but Brian said no since he needed it for barn duty that evening too:/ I was bummed, but better luck next time:)