Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Mondays are so hard. For some reason I woke up cold and tired. Almost fell asleep in English class and then went to Chemistry and told the person next to me to just keep talking and punching me so that I stayed awake. In my riding class we started to lope! Jethro has the smoothest lope, in my opinion. I guess it makes up for is extremely bouncy trot. After riding I washed down Jethro really well and then went to get Moby. After rinsing down and brushing Jethro and Moby, Heather and I got Risky and gave him a bath. Heather has a test today on him, so she was cleaning him all up. Risky smelled better than I do on most days!
Jethro and I headed out for a ride!
Washing down Jethro and then Moby

If you can see, this is a before picture of his hair all clumped and sweaty.

This is after, I took off a ton of hair the floor was covered in his hair.

Giving Risky a bath

This was the big news for the day at the farm.
Truck crashes after hitting bull, driver unhurt
A bull that escaped from a pen at the University of Findlay Western Farm was struck and killed by a tractor-trailer on U.S. 68 early today. The truck rolled over, but the driver was unharmed.
According to the Hancock County Sheriff’s Office, Randy Hoffman, 54, was traveling south on U.S. 68 at 3:34 a.m. when his 2010 Freightliner struck the bull, which was standing in the roadway alongside property owned by the university.
Hoffman lost control of the truck, which struck a small embankment and rolled onto its side, the sheriff’s office reported.
Hoffman was not injured in the crash.
The Western Farm houses the university’s animal science and pre-veterinary medicine program.
Assisting at the scene were Arlington Fire Department, Appleseed Emergency Medical Service and Ed’s Towing.
The accident remains under investigation.


  1. In response to your blog statement that "Mondays are so hard" see your blog titled "Disney Movies" late night Sunday makes for a hard Monday!
    Do many animals escape from the barn? Glad the driver was okay!

  2. I went to bed at 10:00pm, so I shouldn't be this tired. Not many animals escape, this was the first one in a long time I think. We go more information the other day in class. There is security that patrol the barns and they had seen the bull out of his pasture and the barn at 3:00am and they reported it. Then they couldn't find him. Security finally found him as he was at the highway and near the main gate and then he spooked and ran across the road and got hit. He died on impact. His name was Brick and he was our best breeding bull and two time world champion. Apparently he wasn't world champion for his brains, rather the other end of him.

  3. It's a little sad when that the horses are cleaner than the students! Haha
