Monday, August 19, 2013

First Day of Classes

             Got up at 6:30 this morning because my roommate's classes started at 8:00 and mine at 9:00, but it turned out that she didn't have a class at 8:00 because it was changed to an online class. Why did I get up so early? Anyways I found all my classes without any problems and had fun!
              Dr. Whitaker, my animal science teacher, is the best teacher ever!! I had him first thing today and he is sooo funny and I love learning about the information we will be learning, so I already know which class is going to be my favorite.

              Next I had English with this really weird teacher. I don't know about English or chemistry.
              Chemistry is with Chuck Norris, no not the "the" Chuck Norris. Mr. Norris has a really lazy eye and you can't tell who he is looking at. Further more, I have heard the lecture about pride nearly four times already, he repeats himself so many times over the course of an hour.
               After chemistry I went to the farm for my riding class where we were trained in how to muck out stalls. I didn't get any pictures yet, but I definitely will tomorrow or later this week. After all the paperwork, locker assignments, and mucking demo we went over to see the new foals. They were so cute! I think the riding class will be really fun, not only because I am riding, but in my class there is a total of four people, including me. One girl is really distant, so its really just the three of us and then her. I am the only freshman in the class along with two juniors and one senior, all of which are animal science majors, previous pre-veterinary majors. All in all, today was a good day and can't wait for an easy day tomorrow!


  1. Sounds like a good start. Guess you dropped stats and are taking riding. Have you been mucking stalls correctly or was there some correction to your form? Why is the Chem teacher talking about pride? How many in your animal science class?

  2. He was talking about pride and that is what people who don't ask for help or ask too late have. In my animal science class there is probably 20 or less. Yeah, I dropped statistics and am taking riding. Its just part of the class I guess to learn how to do stalls Findlay style and plus its part of the course work to muck out stalls. We get assigned stalls every Monday and Wednesday to do.
