Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 2

            Got up at 8:00am went to breakfast and did some homework before I had to head out to the barn at 12:00pm. My equine animal handling class is going to be the best class ever!!! Next week we start with the hands on experience in the barn and eventually we will be learning the techniques of how to give injections, draw blood and a lot more; I can't wait!!

             I had my first chemistry lab class this evening too, it went from 4-7; way too long. we had to watch the same safety video that I have seen three times already and could practically quote the video.
             After a short day of classes I went to go workout with Caitlin, Morgan and Cassandra. We were going to do a really hard ab workout, personally I didn't think it was too difficult, but it was fun anyways.
The rope machine that works your whole upper body, back and front. I love this machine!
After working out we went back to the dorms and I did the laundry and then our dorm floor was going to the fitness center to watch a movie. Once I finished the laundry I went to the fitness center to watch the movie, but I had missed the first 10-15 minutes and had no clue of what was happening, plus the movie was a big waste of time, I hated it. Probably, 15 minutes of sitting there watching in disgust I decided to go down and play some basketball. Why can't I shoot as good as I did tonight? Every, and I mean every, shot was a nice swoosh! Around 10:30 I decided to go back to the dorm and go to bed. As I was returning the basketball I got talking with the student behind the desk running the rentals. His name was Charles who is from Africa but lives in Dallas and is in the pharmacy program. He was really nice and then we got talking about sports and he said that he would really like me on his intramural basketball team. I was ecstatic!! I had been waiting to be asked to be on a team and now I was! We exchanged numbers and now we just wait for basketball intramurals to come around.
I had wanted to join the intramural teams that are starting shortly, but when I went to go sign up, you apparently don't just sign up you have to make your own team. Great! :( I'm a freshman and barely know people, I was hoping to be asked or give the desk my name and if someone needed a girl or another player I would be available, but no. They recommended going down your hall and asking everyone, but my hall is all girls that are more interested in flirting with the guys than running around and getting sweaty. So that option was out and then they also suggested going through the dining hall and asking people to be on your team. If that doesn't just scream "Freshman" then I don't know what else does.

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