Saturday, January 11, 2014

Second Day

So the second day of classes went by kind of smoothly. I had chemistry, english, calculus and animal handling. Chemistry was no different, since I'm taking it with the same professor as last semester. It didn't take long for everyone in the class to either be fighting to keep their eyes open, on their phones, or totally out of it. English was a totally different story though. I have now discovered just how football players are not the brightest peas in the pod. They may be good looking or sweet off the field, but they have got some work cut out for them in academics.
Our English teacher wanted us to write or draw out our writing process. So the football player asked if he could go up to the board and draw his picture for the class. This is what he drew...
The stick figure's face is colored in to make it clear that it was him. He would have colored it in if there had been a brown marker, but black had to do. 

1 comment:

  1. I'd watch out calling anybody stupid - no matter much how you think it. Try to keep everything positive. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything.
